Topic: About James Buchanan

Currently I volunteer as the Obelsk Awards Coordinator, List Dom and MySpace WebMaster for the Erotic Authors Association. I also edit the newslette

I write original, erotic GLBT fiction, or what I tell people is gay porn with plot. My writing style is across the board, but I mainly write original homosexual fiction (some call it slash from the Male/Male designation) of the romantic flavor. I have written pansexual and/or bisexual stories although the queer relationships tend to be the predominate one. The type of fiction I write is often called “Boy Love,” although there are no underage relationships in my stories (boiz yes, boys no).
I like men; really nice, sexy, handsome, strong guys with a bit of the world behind them. I like to put them together and have them be all angsty and romantic and get it on quite frequently.
All of my work to date is erotic. My longer works have heavy elements of romance in them. Some of my stuff is Original Yaoi with the traditional Seme and Uke roles with all involved being Bishonen. What can I say, I love Manga and it's fun to write. Otherwise my erotic fiction runs the gamut of mystery, thriller, horror, fantasy, historical fiction and science fiction. Much of it, no matter what genre I’m writing in is often labeled “dark fic” or “Gothic” as it has an edgy, not quite happy feel. It follows my own reading tastes. I’m more likely to be found with “A Slave’s Condition” than a pretty shounen-ai manga like “Gokuaru Café.” Clive Barker’s homocentric horror is on my shelves and I don’t need happy endings.
I like men; really nice, sexy, handsome, strong guys with a bit of the world behind them. I like to put them together and have them be all angsty and romantic and get it on quite frequently.
All of my work to date is erotic. My longer works have heavy elements of romance in them. Some of my stuff is Original Yaoi with the traditional Seme and Uke roles with all involved being Bishonen. What can I say, I love Manga and it's fun to write. Otherwise my erotic fiction runs the gamut of mystery, thriller, horror, fantasy, historical fiction and science fiction. Much of it, no matter what genre I’m writing in is often labeled “dark fic” or “Gothic” as it has an edgy, not quite happy feel. It follows my own reading tastes. I’m more likely to be found with “A Slave’s Condition” than a pretty shounen-ai manga like “Gokuaru Café.” Clive Barker’s homocentric horror is on my shelves and I don’t need happy endings.