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About Liminal Ink
Friday, 28 March 2008
Just One of the Boys
Topic: About AJ Wilde

Just one of the boys: from my earliest memories, that's how people have described me. 

I remember playing cars with the boys on my street.  By the time I was nine, I had the best toy car collection on the block.  The pride of my collection was a James Bond 007 Aston Martin, complete with bulletproof windshield, tire slashers and revolving license plate. 

Inheriting my cousin's Action Man knocked all my Barbies into a cocked hat.  He had the "winter whites" kit, with a white balaclava and snowshoes.  I was beside myself.  Oh, and Barbie?  She got a crewcut.  Demi Moore would have been proud.

I remember my Dad, one Christmas.  It was after dinner, and I was expected to go into the kitchen with ‘the women' to wash dishes and gossip and make noises like a neurotic chicken while picking apart the latest episode of Dynasty.  As if I ever watched soaps.  I'd sooner grind thumbtacks into my eyes.  My mother tracked me down in the living room where I was lurking, hoping to avoid my fate.  "You should be helping in the kitchen," she said, like it was written in the Bible.  Maybe it is, for all I know.  I turned big, brown eyes on my father, who was getting ready for the annual saunter to the pub with all the other male members of my family.  He looked me over - my eighteen-year-old self, in habitual torn jeans, t-shirt, ratty sneakers and a chain fastening my wallet to my belt. 

"Nah," he said, thoughtfully, lighting his pipe and winking at me through the curls of blue smoke.  "She doesn't have to do that.  She's one of the boys." 

The look on my mother's face was priceless.  A spike of joy ripped through my chest as I grinned at my Dad. We turned and walked out of that drab little room that tried and tried so hard to contain us.  It had failed.  Off we went to the pub:  my Dad, my uncle, my three male cousins, and me.  Bliss.

Nothing much has changed.  I still go to the pub and leave my dishes in the sink.  I drink beer out of the bottle.  I don't wear skirts, heels or makeup.  I don't own a purse.  I wouldn't be seen dead in pink.  My fingernails are short and naked.  I don't watch soaps, don't cry at movies, and I certainly don't iron.  I walk like a man, and kiss like a man.  I can change a tire by myself.  I can load and fire a shotgun (and yes, I have a permit for that).

But in spite of all this, I'm still a girl.  I'm not butch or frumpy.  I have long hair.  I wear my boi-style with a female touch.  I notice and appreciate hot guys (and my partner?  Heck, he's the hottest guy of them all ... !)  Speaking of guys:  I love ‘em.  My best friends in life have always been male.  They're straightforward, sometimes brutally honest, and they don't gossip.  They don't witter on and on about lipgloss or cookware for half an hour without taking a breath.  They're beautiful and sexy and smart and funny and sweet and loyal and kind and strong and faithful and steadfast.  They are my heroes, and if the measure of my admiration is a lifelong identification as just one of the boys, then I'm happy to buck convention and resist the kitchen sink for as long as I can. 

N.B.  A.J. Wilde is a multi-published author of homoerotic romance.  Currently published with Torquere Press, A.J. writes contemporary, historical and fantasy, always with a bit of a dramatic twist.  From contemporary short stories to historical novellas, you will always find plenty of drama, action and hot guys in A.J.'s work. A.J.'s characters include undercover cops, personal trainers and maverick lawyers to name just a few. If you're looking for an engaging drama, a tear-jerker romance or just a naughty romp, A.J. Wilde will not disappoint. A.J.'s published work to date has been m/m, but she is venturing into f/f very soon.

Originally from England, now residing in Canada, A.J. identifies with Pierre Trudeau as ‘a citizen of the world'.  Check out A.J.'s series of novellas about the experiences of a young man on a journey of self-discovery, entitled Soul Journeys, parts 1 and 2 of which are out at Torquere Press. 




Posted by ajwilde at 1:10 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 2 May 2008 9:34 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 4 March 2008
James Buchanan
Topic: About James Buchanan
JamesHola, I'm James Buchanan, a multipublished  author of, primarily, homoerotic romance & fiction.  Life wise, I grew up in a small Texas town, hours away from any other small Texas town and about as far west as you could go and still be considered in Texas.  A stint at the University, where I ostensibly majored in English, garnered me a degree useful for being someone’s secretary.  The absolute lack of employment opportunities sent me  to Southern California.  After a stint in County Mental Health (administration not client) I ran screaming into the field of Law.  So far I have been practicing for nine years and someday I might even get it right.

Currently I volunteer as the Obelsk Awards Coordinator, List Dom and MySpace WebMaster for the Erotic Authors Association.  I also edit the newsletteJames Buchananr for the ManLoveRomance Author Co-op.  My novella Twice the Cowboy won both the Preditors & Editors Best Romance Novella of 2006 but also the Golden Rose 2007 award for Best Novella.  
I write original, erotic GLBT fiction, or what I tell people is gay porn with plot. My writing style is across the board, but I mainly write original homosexual fiction (some call it slash from the Male/Male designation) of the romantic flavor. I have written pansexual and/or bisexual stories although the queer relationships tend to be the predominate one. The type of fiction I write is often called “Boy Love,” although there are no underage relationships in my stories (boiz yes, boys no).

 I like men; really nice, sexy, handsome, strong guys with a bit of the world behind them.  I like to put them together and have them be all angsty and romantic and get it on quite frequently.

All of my work to date is erotic. My longer works have heavy elements of romance in them. Some of my stuff is Original Yaoi with the traditional Seme and Uke roles with all involved being Bishonen. What can I say, I love Manga and it's fun to write. Otherwise my erotic fiction runs the gamut of mystery, thriller, horror, fantasy, historical fiction and science fiction. Much of it, no matter what genre I’m writing in is often labeled “dark fic” or “Gothic” as it has an edgy, not quite happy feel. It follows my own reading tastes. I’m more likely to be found with “A Slave’s Condition” than a pretty shounen-ai manga like “Gokuaru Café.” Clive Barker’s homocentric horror is on my shelves and I don’t need happy endings. 

Posted by liminalink at 9:15 PM EST
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